TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Bill of Material

Bill of Material/Kitting helps you create bills of material for both assembled and kitted items. Assembled items are those items that are permanently stocked and sold as one unit. Kitted items are items that are not stocked and that are a collection of items assembled into a kit at the point of sale.

The Bill of Material/Kitting application helps you set up and maintain items and kits. Using Bill of Material/Kitting, you can create a bill of material to assemble as sale item, release the resulting work order to your technicians, then post the completed work order to update inventory item quantities.

Bill of Material/Kitting works with the TRAVERSE Inventory application when you build bills of material. You use the item information you enter in Inventory to enter component information into bills of material for assembled products. To assemble a product, you issue a work order for that bill of material and deliver the work order to your technicians. After the required product quantity is assembled and the work order completed, post the completed work order to update Inventory quantities with the number of items produced. If they are installed, use the TRAVERSE Accounts Receivable or Sales Order applications to record the sale of the assembled item or kit.